15 Affirmations If You're Thinking About Booking a Session

Columbus Ohio Boudoir Photographer | Emma Early

This is me trusting the universe to put these affirmations in front of someone who really needs to hear them. We celebrate women in all stages of life, and we want to promise you that you are worthy of this experience too. You are worthy of a luxury experience that is all about you. The value of this shoot will prove itself from start to finish. You will never regret investing and prioritizing yourself. If you’re on the fence about booking a session, I invite you to verbally say these affirmations. If they resonate with you, write them down or screenshot this post. Come back to it and let us know in The Self Love Club how we can support you in jumping into the decision! 

  1. I am worthy of the investment because I am beautiful, more than my daily obligations, and deserve to be celebrated for being myself. (I invite you to take a moment to think about who you are outside of your job, your family roles, and societal expectations. Who do you want to be at this moment?) 

  2. I am sensual, sexy, beautiful, and a masterpiece. My body is stunning and deserves to be documented. 

  3. My body has carried me through a lifetime of ups and downs, mountains and valleys, and I deserve to celebrate the victory of surviving. 

  4. I will never be this age again; time is passing, and I want to show future me how brave and confident I am in my body right now. 

  5. I can do hard things. Although investing in myself is scary, I can do it because I am worth it. My body has carried me through hard things, and I can do this. I want to do this. 

  6. I am proud of my body and my journey. My story is unique, and I want to show myself and the world how proud I am of myself. 

  7. I have a story I want to share. I want to inspire others with my existence. I deserve to tell my story with my voice. This photoshoot gives me permission to take up space.

  8. I deserve to take up space. My body deserves representation, regardless of what society says. I am safe to exist within this space. 

  9. This experience is meant for me. I don’t have to “earn it.” I’m allowed to simply want this for myself. 

  10.  I am worthy of being pampered. I pour into others all day, every day, and I deserve to be poured into and pampered. 

  11. I have permission to let go of all expectations. I have a safe space to be perfectly human. 

  12. I am allowed to feel confident. I deserve to feel my best for myself. 

  13. I am a light, and I deserve to use this experience to showcase how incredible I am. I am powerful and influential. 

  14. I believe that what I put into the universe comes back to me. Being open to this experience allows me to be open to new experiences and feelings and elevated self-esteem. 

  15. I can and will fit this into my budget and plan. I can make it happen because it is important for me to do so. It is a priority for me to show myself love. 

Let’s make 2023/2024 the year you take the leap of faith into loving yourself more deeply. We hope these affirmations encouraged you and lit a fire that you matter. You deserve to experience life-changing moments for the better. Let’s chat about what you want your experience to look like! Book a chat HERE

With Much Love,

Rebecca Kochanek | Blogger 


Miss H’s Boudoir Experience


Miss M’s Boudoir Experience