Miss B’s Boudoir Experience

How did you hear about Emma Early Boudoir?

A friend

Why did you book your session? 

I won a session, but honestly and truthfully I have always wanted to do one. I was just too scared, and money was an issue. Winning a session helped push me to do it.

What drew you to our style of editing and photography at Emma Early Boudoir?

I saw a friends family pictures then her boudoir photos, and they were absolutely gorgeous. They looked professional and everything about them was beautiful! The background the poses, the natural soft edit.

How did you feel leading up to your session?

I was really excited, slightly nervous but very excited. Emma was very positive and encouraging.

How did you feel during your session?

Like a freaking model, an awkward, didn’t know what I was doing, model! Lol but a model none the less!

How did you feel after your session?

Excited, positive, sexy

A few words to describe your boudoir experience? 

It was super fun! And very relaxed.

If this was a gift for a significant other, what did they say about the images? Did they have a favorite pose or outfit?

I did this for myself, I did add a few booty shots because I knew he would love them. And he did!! The wall pose with my fingers under my booty.

Would you recommend Emma to a friend?

ABSOLUTELY!! I have already!!

What would you say to a friend deciding to book a session?

DO IT!!!! Don’t worry about money or how you feel about your body.

Is there anything I can do to make the experience better for you in the future?


Do you have anything else you want to add about your experience? Tell me!

You’re absolutely great Emma!! Truly! I love seeing your business grow!!


To Tan or Not To Tan?


Should I lose weight before my boudoir experience?