Miss R’s Boudoir Experience

What inspired you to book a session?

I booked a session because I realized my body deserved to be loved. I celebrate body positivity and realized I was holding myself back from truly loving my own body. I wanted to challenge myself to show up for myself like I want others to do for themselves.

What drew you to our style of editing and photography at Emma Early Boudoir?

I was drawn to Emma Early Photography because she is outwardly inclusive. Every body shape and size was captured in its true beauty and I appreciated that from the moment I first saw her work.

How did you feel leading up to your session?

I was nervous (like most people, probably). I truly didn't think it was possible for my body to be photographed in a sensual way. (My body is not symmetrical). I felt like I wasn't meant to do a boudoir shoot.

How did you feel during your session?

During my session, I felt so seen and validated. Emma empowered me as we made the shoot all about what I loved about myself, She made me so comfortable as we crafted ideas on how to make my shoot unique to me. I had a disco ball that I love that we used throughout the shoot. I felt empowered and surprised at how genuinely fun the experience was.

How did you feel after your session?

After my session, I was euphoric. I have never felt so confident and genuinely in love with myself like this. Even several weeks later, I still feel amazed at how incredible it was to get to know my body in a new way.

What was your favorite part about your session?

My favorite part of my session was the image reveal! The entire shoot was so incredible but there is no better feeling than seeing the images for the first time in person. Getting to share that with Emma was so special. She got to see the genuine first reaction of the magic we created together. There were so many thoughts of "How is that really me?!" because we worked so well together to create such a sensual version of myself.

A few words to describe your boudoir experience? 

I feel like everyone says the experience is empowering, which it is! However, I would use words such as sacred and intimate. The entire experience from the makeup to the pose ideas was crafted around who I am, my body, and my personality. It was really fun to see a sensual reflection of who I am. I got to embrace myself in all of my feminine energy.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about doing a session?

My advice to someone thinking about booking a session is to not overthink it. I could have overthought myself out of this decision so easily. I want to encourage someone to just do it. If you have a body, you are worthy and capable of having a dreamy boudoir session. You don't need to be anything other than yourself. You deserve to feel good.

Do you have anything else you want to add about your experience? Tell me!

I would like to say thank you to Emma. I truly had no desire to do a session until I randomly saw her on my Instagram. If it wasn't for her being inclusive to all bodies, I wouldn't have booked with Emma. I felt like my body was safe and lovable in the hands of Emma. This was the bravest thing I did in 2022 and I am so glad Emma was the one to walk through this with me.


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