Miss J’s Boudoir Experience

What inspired you to book a session?

Emma’s quality of work and the variety of bodies I saw being photographed and shared.

What drew you to our style of editing and photography at Emma Early Boudoir?

Similar to above, the variety of body types and women that were being shown in the images. Every single one was gorgeous and unique in its own right; and that’s beautiful.

How did you feel leading up to your session?

I was a little nervous. Mostly because I was unsure how I was going to feel about myself and my body on the day of.

How did you feel during your session?

I felt comfortable and confident. Everything was laid out perfectly, and I didn’t have to think too hard (which is a lot of my problem- too much thinking). And I don’t think there was a time that I wasn’t being complimented or encouraged!

How did you feel after your session?

After my session I felt excited and even more confident. I just kept thinking “wow, I did that!”

What was your favorite part about your session?

My favorite part was the conversations and dialogue throughout. It was so comfortable and natural. Nothing felt forced and it made me feel even more confident and secure in what l was doing.

A few words to describe your boudoir experience? 

Empowering. Exciting. Fun. And challenging (only because I had to fight any negative thoughts I had about my body and remind myself that my natural body is beauty. Rolls and scars and all).

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about doing a session?

Don’t overthink a thing.

Just SHOW UP. Show up just as you are.

Emma will make sure that you look beautiful, and feel beautiful. She will guide you literally every step of the way. She can see you in a way that you don’t see yourself, so when the picture is taken you can see yourself in a whole new way. The curves, the lines, the ART.. she sees that in you and captures it.

Do you have anything else you want to add about your experience? Tell me!

It was everything to me. I genuinely got tears seeing the reveal of my pictures. I just kept saying “I don’t look like this” but the reality is, I DO. We see ourselves in so many different ways, and sometimes those aren’t always truthful. Emma, you literally capture us in our most vulnerable and at our most beautiful. And I will never fully be able to put into words how special that is.


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