Why You Should Pay For an Experienced, Educated Boudoir Photographer
We get it, a boudoir experience is an investment. It can be an intimidating expense because you probably know tons of photographers who claim they can take good photos. While that is true, boudoir is an art form that should be treated with the utmost care. You are trusting someone with your fears, insecurities, and self image. When it comes to photographing the body, it’s so important to pick someone who has a strong education in body angles and inclusion. It is so worth it to pay for an experienced and educated boudoir photographer.
The point of doing a boudoir photoshoot is to boost confidence and self image. By hiring someone not experienced with intimate details of the body, you’re taking a huge risk of not seeing your body in the most flattering angles. You are taking a gamble on their experience with working with different body types. You are less likely to get an entire luxury experience that includes makeup and a full client closet including all sizes. There are so many things that can go wrong! Educated photographers have studied the body and know how to pose every size and shape body. You can trust that you will be guided through the entire process.
An educated and experienced photographer will value your confidentiality and trust above all else. By hiring someone random and inexperienced, you risk not knowing who will see your images. There are so many amature photographers who lure women into doing “boudoir” so they have access to free nudes from the women they photograph. This happens way more than you think! If these photographers offer products, you have no idea who is seeing the intimate photos of yourself. Educated boudoir photographers prioritize quality and privacy by using companies who have values that align with women empowerment.
Experienced boudoir photographers invest in education so that the experience can be as incredible as possible for you, no matter your age, body type, or financial situation. We strive to be inclusive and to keep ourselves accountable to that with real life stories and testimonials. Having intimate photos taken is a big deal and you should choose someone who truly understands the weight behind the decision to do a shoot.
When you shoot with an educated and experienced photographer, you know your story is safe and valued. We go into this career wanting to make a difference in people’s lives. We can guarentee that you will be cared for and have an experience that changes your life! These aren’t images that you should trust anyone with, choose wisely.
Remember, your body and story are worthy of being respected. Your privacy deserves to be respected. Don’t cheap out on intimate photos because the unknowns that come with that decision are really risky. There are too many photographers who use the word boudoir to lure clients into basically giving them low quality nudes for a quick buck.
There are payment plans available and Emma Early Photography is always available to answer questions. We provide an experience that gives you confidence from start to finish. It’s an experience unlike anything you have had before! Read through our testimonials, become familiar with our process, and take a look at what our clients have worn from the client closet! Let all this information be proof of the value of hiring someone who knows what they’re doing!
Ready to get on the books? Inquire here.
Rebecca Kochanek, Blogger